We’re inviting you to our Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) Conference
April 18th Starts at 8:30AM-4:30PM
1718 Underpass Way, Hagerstown, MD 21740, Ramada Inn
Moving toward a “no wrong door” experience for consumers
Key Note Speakers: Lefford Fate, US Air Force and retired as Comand Chief of the 20th Fighter Wing, Peer Support, Telemedicine, Veteran Services, SBIRT in Medicaid Services
Questions? Call 240-313-3100 TTY 240-313-3391
Pathfinder is designed to encourage community members and visitors to take advantage of the many hiking, biking, boating, and outdoor activities available in Washington County, Maryland. The site is a special project of the Washington County Health Department as a part of our mission to improve health and encourage a healthy lifestyle for our citizens.
Visit Pathfinder1302 Pennsylvania Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21742
240-313-3200800-552-7724 (TTY)wash.health@maryland.govPromote healthy behaviors, prevent disease and injury, and safeguard the environment