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Washington County has high levels of teen pregnancy and sexually-transmitted illnesses (STIs) among adolescents. Using data from 2013-2019, Washington County ranked third in the state for teen pregnancy (1). In 2018 there were 175 cases of chlamydia and 43 cases of gonorrhea diagnosed in Washington County teens (2) and only 52% of Washington County high school students reported using a condom the last time they had sex (3). In light of these concerning statistics, the School Health Council, composed of representatives from Washington County Public Schools and partner agencies, has identified sexual health as a priority area. This survey of Washington County residents will help to inform community-based interventions to improve the sexual health of our adolescent population.
1) County Health Rankings, www.countyhealthrankings.org
2) MDH Center for STI Prevention
3) MDH Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Youth – high school age individuals